Monday, January 15, 2007

Site Section: APPLICATIONS (Cosmopolis)

Site Section: Applications (Cosmopolis)


Here, we draw on transcendental method to discuss historical events, past, present and future, personal and cultural. With an explicit reference to GEM-TM in mind, we invite participants to share articles, outcomes of research studies, artistic expressions, communications, events, or applications projects for review and discussion. Here we clarify the full scope and historical context of transcendental method as both the underlying driver of events and as a guiding source of analysis, discussion, and prescription.


TO provide a “think tank” forum for discussion, dialectical analysis, critique, and potential remedy for concrete issues and problems in ongoing concrete events; and to document stories of ongoing events and activities.

TO clarify the full scope and historical context of transcendental method as both the underlying driver of events and as a guiding source of analysis, evaluation, and prescription.

(BL quotes about cosmopolis from Insight to be added).

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